Wednesday April 30, 2008
Proud day for Malay regimentWINDSOR (England): In a rare brush with British royalty, the Royal Malay Regiment had the honour of performing ceremonial duties at Windsor Castle, one of Queen Elizabeth II’s official residences, yesterday.
Looking smart in their white and gold songket samping ceremonial dress, the 21-member contingent was in stark contrast to the 170 Pioneer Regiment foot guards whom they replaced during the traditional “changing-of-the-guards” ceremony.
Although the ceremony lasted only about 30 minutes, it was recognition of the regiment’s capability in guarding Queen Elizabeth II’s 900-year-old castle, about 50km from London.
Royal duty: The Royal Malay Regiment taking part in the changing-of-the-guards ceremony at Windsor Castle on Tuesday.
Kapten Mejar Mohamed Qadri Abu Bakar said he was proud and honoured to be leading the first Malay regiment to assume royal duties in Britain.
Kapt Mohamed Qadri, who was involved in ceremonial duties at Istana Negara, Parliament House and Mindef, said he found it meaningful to perform similar duties in Britain.
Band major Warrant Officer Mohamed Nor Azizan Yahya said his 28-member brass band was in high spirits as they looked forward to promoting the country through playing Malaysian tunes.
Earlier, the brass band led the contingent as they marched from the Victoria Barracks to the castle. Along the route, the band played popular Malaysian tunes such as Jalur Gemilang, Joget Jambu Merah, Di-bawah Satu Bendera, Gagah Setia and Puteri Remaja.

Here In My Home - Malaysian Artistes For Unity
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
So Is This A Waste of Public Funds You Say?
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Sungei Besi Town Food Haven The Series
Friday, 25 April 2008
Not Really King of Egg Tarts
This Is What A Leader Should Be
Friday April 25, 2008
The Star
Samak ‘cooks up a storm’ during lightning visit
By MERGAWATI ZULFAKARKUALA LUMPUR: It was barely a 24-hour visit but Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej managed “to cook up a storm” during his short trip. In between the official welcoming ceremony at Parliament and his meeting with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in Putrajaya, Samak took time off to visit the wet market in Jalan Imbi here early yesterday. The market trip was a special request from him, and for good reason. Malaysian officials were at first puzzled by his request, but came away from the visit impressed.
Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej looking at bananas at the Imbi market in Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning. With him is Deputy Home Minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung (right) and Bukit Bintang MCA division chairman Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng (second from right). Samak spent an hour touring the wet market despite his busy schedule. His 24-hour visit is his first official trip to Malaysia since becoming Prime Minister.
“During our meeting, he said he wanted to compare the prices of food here and back home. He told us the prices in the two countries were comparable,” said a senior Malaysian official. “He asked how much does the average Malaysian earn. Samak then told us that from his calculation, Thais spend at least 25% of their income on food while Malaysians spend some 12%. “That is down to earth economics. He portrays himself as a simple person and may look rugged but he is not, judging from his thinking,” the official said.
After the Putrajaya bilateral meeting, Samak took on another mission. He prepared mixed seafood with basil at a dinner hosted by the Thai embassy at a Thai restaurant before departing for home. It hardly took the Thai leader more than 10 minutes to prepare the mixture of prawn, squid and fish for 40 dinner guests. After all, Samak is a well-known chef and has a cooking show on television.
Malaysian officials said that since becoming the prime minister early this year, Kuala Lumpur had been high on his list of places to visit. However due to the country’s 12th general election, his trip was postponed. “He may be in power for a few months but he is saying all the right things where bilateral matters are concerned,” noted a Malaysian diplomat. It is no secret that Bangkok, during former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s time, had made accusations linking Malaysia to troubles in southern Thailand. Relations improved under the military-installed prime minister Surayud Chulanont.“We hope Samak will continue the good feelings we have had with Surayud. He is still new and it is still too early to judge him,” said an official.
The Lost Heritage...Muhibbah..Kopitiam
Lastly for my dessert drink the cendol with kidney beans. This was another dish where the

Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Open up the Military Shows like DSA to the public!
Anyway back to the topic at hand, as I have gained access to such military shows I may have become bored with the miltary hardware exhibits being displayed. There is only a small portion
Savoury pastries from both sides of the twain


Anyway for the mini pies, it was eaten the next evening without being warmed up in the
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Treasury of Kelantantese Traditional Cuisine
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Menyimpan Khazanah Makanan Tradisional -Sabah (Bilingual)
Here are the traditional recipes from Sabah. For those who do not know Malay, I have included the English version.
Hinava Ginapan (Jeruk Udang) - Kadazandusun - Penampang
Bahan-bahan :
1 Kati udang segar (saiz sederhana)
1 cawan jus limau nipis
4-5 chili merah dihiris
6 pulas bawang merah dipotong berbentuk gelang
2 camca besar garam
Cara Menyediakan :
Buangkan kulit dan kepala udang. Cuci dengan sempurna. Belah udang dari kepala ke ekor. Masukkan udang kedalam basin dan perap dengan garam selama 1 minit.Tuang jus limau nipis pada udang dan campurkan bahan-bahan yang lain.Biarkan selama 10 minit sebelum dihidang.
Nota : Semua bahan-bahan yang digunakan mestilah segar dan bersih.
The English translation :
Hinava Ginapan
Ingredients :
1 Ib Fresh Prawn (medium size)
1 cup of lime juice
4-5 red chilies (sliced)
6 cloves red onion (finely sliced)
2 tsp salt
Method : Peel off the skin and prawn's head. Wash and clean it. Cut each prawn from head to tail. Place it inside a basin and marinate it with salt for a minute. Pour lime juice and add in the other ingredients. Leave for 10 minutes before serving. Note : All ingredient used must be fresh and clean
History :
Hinava Ginapan is a traditional Sabahan food originated from the Kadazan's and Dusuns's.It is also mainly fish,but they also created a prawn version of the Hinava.This delicious food has been the favourite of many kadazanDusun's alike.
Kima - Bajau - Semporna
Bahan-bahan :
1 kg Kima
4 bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
2 suduteh serbuk kunyit
3 lada merah besar
3 inci halia
4 sudu besar minyak masak
400ml air
Garam secukup rasa
Cara menyediakan :
Basuh dan bersihkan Kima dan celur dengan air panas untuk membuang bau. Potong kepada saiz yang dikehendaki. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan goreng bahan-bahan yang ditumbuk sehingga wangi. Campurkan Kima dengan perasa. Hidangkan ketika masih panas.
The English Translation
Ingredients :
1kg giant clam meat
4 shallots
5 cloves garlic (pounded)
2 tsp turmeric powder (pounded)
3 big red chilies (pounded)
3 inches ginger (pounded)
4 tbsp cooking oil
400ml watersalt to taste
Method : Wash and clean clam meat and blanch in hot water to remove the smell. Cut into desired sizes. Heat oil in a wok and fry pounded ingredients until aromatic. Mix in the clam meat and seasonings. Serve hot.
Daeng Semur (Ikan Tenggiri Masak Santan) - Bajau - Petagas
1 kg Ikan Tenggiri
1 cawan kelapa parut (digoreng sehingga ke kuningan dan ditumbuk halus)
1 cawan santan (diperah dari 1/2 kelapa parut)
5 ulas bawang putih
2 bawang merah
10g lengkuas
2 batang serai
2 sudu besar serbuk jintan hitam
2 sudu besar serbuk jintan putih
2 inci kayu manis
1 kuntum cengkih
1 kuntum bunga lawang
1 sudu besar gula
3 sudu besar air asam jawa
3 cili merah (dihiris)
2 sudu kecil garam
3 sudu kecil minyak masak
Cara Membuatnya :
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan goreng bahan-bahan yang dipotong hingga wangi. Masukkan jintan hitam, jintan putih, bunga lawang, cengkih dan kayu manis. Goreng diatas api sederhana selama beberapa minit sebelum mencampur santan, gula, garam dan air asam jawa. Biarkan mendidih selama 2 minit. Campurkan ikan, kelapa parut yang digoreng, cili dan bahan perasa. Masak sehingga kering. Kemudian keluarkan dan hias dengan bawang goreng.
The English version
Daeng Semur (Boiled Mackerel In Coconut Milk)
Ingredients :
1 kg mackerel
1 cup grated coconut (fried dry until golden brown and finely pounded)
1 cup coconut milk (extracted from 1/2 grated coconut)
5 cloves gralic (finely sliced)
2 shallots (finely sliced)
10g galangal (finely sliced)
2 stalks lemon grass (finely sliced)
2 tbsp fennel powder
2 tbsp cumin powder
2 inches cinnamon stick
1 pc clove
1 pc star anise
1 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp tamarind juice
3 red chilies (sliced)
2 tsp salt
3 tsp cooking oil
Method :
Heat oil in a wok and fry sliced ingredients till fragant. Add in fennel, cumin, star anise, clove and cinnamon. Fry over a slow fire for a few minutes before adding in the coconut milk, sugar, salt and tamarind juice. Simmer for 2 minutes. Add in the prepared fish with the fried coconut, chilies and seasonings. Continue to cook till quite dry. When ready, dish out into a bowl, garnish with fried shallots and serve.
Piaren Ah Manuk(Ayam Masak Kelapa Parut) - Iranun - Kota Belud
Bahan-bahan :
1.5kg Ayam (dipotong kepada 8 ketul)
3 cawan Santan (dipecah dari 1 biji kelapa parut)
10 sudu besar kelapa parut (ditumbuk)
8 cili putih (dibuang biji dan dipotong)
2 batang daun bawang (dipotong kepada 1 inci)
3 batang Serai (dititik)
1 bawang besar
6 sudu besar minyak masak
Garam dan bahan perasa
Bahan-bahan yang ditumbuk
6 biji bawang merah
3 ulas bawang putih
2 inci kenyit hidup
10 biji cili merah
Cara Menyediakan :
Panaskan minyak didalam belanja dan goreng bahan-bahan yang ditumbuk dan bawang sehingga kekuningan. Masukkan ayam, serai dan kelapa parut yang ditumbuk. Gaulkan dengan sempurna. Kecilkan api dan campurkan santan, garam dan bahan perasa. Masak sehingga pekat. Masukkan daun bawang dan cili putih. Masak sehingga pekat. Masukkan daun bawang dan cili putih. Gaulkan dan biarkan mendidih selama 2 hingga 3 minit. Kemudian bolehlah dihidangkan.
The English version
Piaren Ah Manuk(Chicken In Grated Coconut))
Ingredients :
1.5kg chicken (cut into 8 pieces)
3 cups coconut milk (extracted from 1 grated coconut)
10 tbsp grated coconut (pounded)
8 white chilies (seeded and halved lengthwise)
2 stalks local onions leaves (cut into 1 inch pieces)
3 stalks lemon grass (bruised)
1 big onion
6 tbsp cooking oil
salt and seasonings to taste
Pounded ingredients :
6 pcs shallots
3 cloves garlic
2 inch fresh turmeric
10 pcs red chillies
Method :
Heat oil in a pot and fry the pounded ingredients and onion until golden brown. Add the chicken, lemon grass and pounded grated coconut. Stir thoroughly. Lower the heat and stir in the coconut milk, salt and seasoning. Cook until the gravy almost thickens. Add the local onion leaves and white chilliest Stir and simmer for two to three minutes. Remove from heat and serve.
Otak-Otak Udang - Orang Sungei-Kinabatangan
Bahan-bahan :
400g Udang air tawar (dibuka kulit dan dicincang halus)
1 cawan kelapa parut
5 cili merah (dipotong)
1 sudu besar lada putih
6 bawang
10g halia
2 batang daun bawang (dipotong)
2 batang daun saderi (dipotong)
1 cawan minyak masak
garam secukup rasa
Cara Menyediakan :
Giling udang dengan kelapa parut, bawang merah, bawang putih dan halia. Campurkan garam, lada putih dan bahan perasa. Gaulkan dengan senduk kayu. Ambil satu sudu besar campuran ini dan jadikan bebola. Goreng sehingga garing dan kekuningan.
The English version
Otak-Otak Udang(Crispy Minced Prawns with Herbs)
Ingredients :
400g fresh water prawns (shelly and finely minced)
1 cup grated coconut
5 red chilies (chopped)
1 tbsp white pepper
6 shallots
10g ginger
2 stalks spring onions (chopped)
2 stalks celery (chopped)
1 cup cooking oil
salt to taste
Pinaranas Sada' Bakalang (Sup Ikan Bakar) - Lotud-Tuaran
Bahan-bahan :
400g ikan bakar (dipotong mengikut suka)
100g buah bambangan muda (dihiris)
1 liter air
Garam secukup rasa
Cara Menyediakan :
Panaskan air sehingga mendidih. Masukkan buah bambangan dan ikan bakar. Biarkan mendidih selama 15 minit . Campurkan perasa dan hidangkan ketika masih panas.
Semua resipi dikatakan dipetik dari Traditional Cuisines of Sabah, Malaysia. A Culinary Heritage. BAKISA (Badan Amal & Kebajikan Isteri Wakil-wakil Rakyat Sabah), Kota Kinabalu, 1999.
Meanwhile these recipes are only available in English
Linombur Bubuk Om Tulod-Ulod (Dried Shrimps With Carambola) - Lotud-Tuaran
Ingredients :
1 cup dried shrimps (washed and drained well)
4 pcs carambola (thinly sliced)
3 tbsp lime juice
200g cucumber (sliced)
salt to taste
Method :
In a bowl, mix dried shrimps, carambola and salt. Using a wooden spoon, pound the mixture lightly. Add in lime juice and toss well. Garnish with sliced cucumber and serve.
Sup Manuk Om Hiing Kadazandusun - Penampang
Ingredients :
1.5 Ib chicken
1/4 pine rice wine
42 inch sliced ginger
1.5 pine water
Method :
Prepare chicken and cut into bite sizes.
In a pot, put to bolt the water, ginger and seasonings.
When ready add in the chicken and cook for 10 minutes.
Put 1/4 pint rice wine (hiing) and cook for another 5 mniutes.Remove from heat and serve.