
Lifeliving Saturday
October 25, 2008
Putting the roar back in Ipoh
By FAM LEE KENWith hidden treasures such as food, interesting sites and colourful goings-on, Ipoh promises to be a place you just want to stop at a bit longer. Ipoh seems to have it all. Yet somehow it doesn’t quite make it on everyone’s “must-visit’’ list. There has been talk of revitalising the city for some time now. But until things get up and going, Ipoh is like a race-horse that keeps running but never crosses the finish line.
In synch: Dragon dance is an integral part of the Nine Emperor Gods festival which is celebrated with gusto in Ipoh. – CHING TECK HUAT
The problem can’t be the food. I asked my doctor, who’s from Ipoh, about the town specialty? He drew me a rough map to two exceptional “makan” shops” Lou Wong and Foh San. Taugeh (bean sprouts) chicken is a favourite of Chinese cuisine connoisseurs and Restoran Lou Wong Taugeh Ayam Kuetiau in the town centre serves the real McCoy. Lou, (pronounced “Lo” which means “old”, an affectionate reference to Mr. Wong’s restaurant which has stood the test of time. The outlet which has been around for 51 years and dispatches something like 140 chickens a day is practically an institution in itself. Half a chicken, a heaping plate of succulent bean sprouts (taugeh) drizzled with aromatic black sesame oil and a steaming bowl of soup with fish and pork balls cost only RM17. Just a stone’s throw away is Foh San, a venerable dim sum restaurant set in an old building which also houses the Perak Chinese Amateur Dramatic (sic) Association. People tell us their dim sum is sold out before noon. Then there is the legendary Ipoh White Coffee, which has as many taste variations to it as there are coffee shops who serve it. But there’s no mistaking who’s the king of the coffee bean hill there. Only the grubby-looking Sin Yuan Loong pulls them in like no other. Nevertheless, we still get the impression that Ipoh is more for Ipohites and that taugeh chicken and white coffee may have brought Ipoh to the rest of Malaysia but not the rest of Malaysia to Ipoh.A must-try: Lou Wong Taugeh chicken.
Shopping isn’t a problem. You have the landmark Ipoh Parade, Greentown Mall, Yik Foong Complex and The Store. Hotels are good, clean and cheap. We stayed at the Regalodge, which has all the trappings of a three-star hotel ” free Wifi access, stocked-up fridge, long bath and get this ” a 37” Sharp LCD TV in every cosy room. A double room set us back by only RM116, with local buffet breakfast thrown in. There are also at least four hospitals, 12 schools, three colleges including a medical college, a library, two museums and a lovely park (Seenivasagam Park). Then there are the cave temples Sam Poh Tong and Kek Lok Tong, which have been tour highlights for decades. Despite it all, there’s definitely something missing. Ipoh, the third largest city in Malaysia (after KL and Penang) falls behind even Johor Baru in terms of dynamism and visitor traffic. So what’s there in Ipoh to keep them coming? Maybe it needs a good shot in the arm. like the parade of the Nine Emperor Gods festival. We arrived just in time to witness it. There were prancing Chinese lions, serpentine mythical dragons slicing through the air, processions of flower and lantern-bedecked floats with participants throwing sweets or handing out “tortoise” buns (red buns shaped like tortoises) to spectators, traditional dances and marching brass bands. There were wildly rocking sedan chairs upon which were seated “deities”. The weight of their spiritual power was said to be so great that the sedan bearers were swinging and swaying as though the chairs themselves had come alive. There were Chingay performers struggling to balance massive flagpoles alternatively on foreheads and open jaws and Indian drummers. There was also a Hindu devotee pulling a chariot with hooks enmeshed in his back. Call it what you will. A parade. A procession. A carnival even. It was spectacular. If it carries on in this scale every year, it could become an international tourist event. The festival culminated in the fire-walk on the night of the ninth day. Only devotees who were spiritually cleansed ” strict vegetarian diet, no smoking, drinking and gambling for nine days ” could undertake the bare-footed walk over the pit of smouldering coal. If your tootsies get burnt, it means you’ve been cheating. (That’s the spiritual explanation of the day.)The Birch Memorial Clock Tower built at the turn of the century.Meanwhile, between now and the next Kow Wong Yeh or Nine Emperor Gods festival, perhaps the town council could place historical attractions under its protection. We visited Birch Memorial Clock Tower at Jalan Datoh Sagor. I read somewhere that Datoh Sagor was among a trio who assassinated Birch in 1875. Birch may have been a nasty fellow and asked for it but I think the memorial tower in his name deserves better. None of the four faces of the clock was working and someone had dumped a broken deckchair on the platform. Unveiled in 1909, the Victorian clock tower, with its captivating murals is history worth preserving. Other colonial buildings fared a little better. The front half of the City Hall building has just been repainted. The Railway Station cum Heritage Hotel could do with a little more work. The grounds on which the war memorial is situated, however, is picturesque and perfectly kept. The city road signs too are uni-directional at T-junctions and crossroads. Guessing or taking a blind shot at what the other road is can be a wearisome game for outsiders. Ipoh has a historical past. It is a shame to let it fade away. The old names of city roads if shown alongside the new ones, would certainly stir interest in Ipoh’s beginnings. Appreciation starts with knowing the city’s roots. I believe Ipoh has the right ingredients for a revival, it just has to work on its formula.
> The article is written in the spirit of Visit Malaysia every year. The writer believes unbiased, constructive comments will only spur Ipoh and its town council to greater heights.
Eurocopter Receives Notification of a Contract for 10 EC 725 Helicopters for the French Special ForcesIn late November 2002, the SPAé (French Aeronautical Production Agency), acting on behalf of the French General Delegation for Armaments (DGA), notified Eurocopter of a contract for the supply of 10 medium-sized EC 725 helicopters to the French Special Forces. The contract, which is worth 271 million euros, covers the helicopters, general customization costs, and support services.
Delivery of the first EC 725 is set for late 2004, with the follow-on deliveries spread out over 2005 and 2006. With this contract notification, the EC 725/225 order book now totals 18 machines. The latest newcomer to the Cougar range benefits not only from the operating experience of its predecessors, but also from major technical upgrades. The French Air Force - the EC 725 launch customer - has announced a current need for 14 of these helicopters to fly Combat Search And Rescue (CSAR) missions for the French Armed Forces. This new medium-sized twin is in the 11-ton class, and exists in a military (EC 725) and a civil (EC 225) version. It first flew in November 2000 and offers much higher performance, with a military payload and a radius of action substantially higher than on the Cougar Mk 2. Compared to the Cougar MK2, the EC 725 has a brand new, 5-bladed Spheriflex main rotor, a strengthened main gearbox, a new Turbomeca Makila 1A2 based powerplant, and a new integrated piloting and display system. The powerplant has an emergency rating of 1,800 kW (2,448 hp, 2,413 shp), 14% higher than the previous engine version. Eurocopter retained the Cougar Mk2 airframe for the EC 725 because of its proven in-service record, and the high-performance equipment and optional items that are available.To date, a total of 652 helicopters from the Super Puma/EC 225-Cougar/EC 725 family have been ordered by 85 customers in 47 countries.
Abu Bakar said a total of seven offers were received with the bidding pricing including delivery charges. The pricing offered by Eurocopter (Code tender: T521/07/A/006) was Euro 233,345,390.Other tenders included T521/07/A/001 with the price in Pound Sterling amounting to 341,888,123; T521/07/A/002 (RM663,189,500), T521/07/A/003 (Euro 104,632,729); T521/07/A/004 (US$220,496,700); T521/07/A/005 (US$708,305,497) and T521/07/A/007 (US$348,178,365).
8th October 2008
On 23rd September 2008, a live firing of a TG2 (guide mode 2) OTOMAT missile was successfully carried out from the Royal Malaysian Navy’s (RMN) Laksamana class corvetteNadim. The firing satisfied a contractual obligation requiring MBDA to validate the OTOMAT TG2 system (over the horizon re-vectoring system) installed on board the Super Lynx helicopters supplied to the RMN by AgustaWestland. The firing, carried out in an open sea scenario, was planned against a target beyond the launch ship’s radar horizon with the missile flight comprising two phases.
The initial phase (TG1 Phase – guide mode 1) involved the missile being directed from the launch ship towards the TG2 helicopter. The subsequent phase (TG2 Phase) saw the missile directed towards the real target position by the TG2 helicopter. This involved a 30° turn after in-flight re-vectoring of the missile with the new navigation and attack data provided by the helicopter. OTOMAT’s flight exceeded 60 Km, with the missile following the planned trajectory and approaching the target with exceptional accuracy. Target impact occurred at the planned altitude and with the correct detonation of the warhead. The firing activities were carried out by the RMN supported by an MBDA team. Top level RMN representatives were present on board a helicopter hovering above the target area to witness the operation.
Fabrizio Giulianini, Executive Group Director Sales and Business Development of MBDA, said: “This latest success for OTOMAT confirms its role as a leading anti-ship missile system within the modern naval operational scenario. This missile’s already excellent performance has been further improved with the addition of a new land attack capability. With this new configuration, OTOMAT will offer one of the best solutions for navies up to 2020 and beyond”. With sales exceeding 1,000 missiles worldwide, the OTOMAT anti-ship missile system has been updated to a new, fully digital Mk II Block IV standard. In this new configuration the missile has been updated and upgraded to face future naval threats, typically brown water scenarios and land attack requirements thanks to its new on-board navigation system and its operational range of 180 Km. The updating programme was launched thanks to the support and funding of the Italian Navy. For the Italian Navy, the programme covers the updating to the new standard of the missiles that will be installed on board its Durand de La Penne class Horizon destroyers and on its future FREMM frigates. Qualification firings for the Italian Navy were completed at the end 2007.
‘Tun Razak’, Malaysia second submarine, moored at the Navantia Naval shipyard in Spain after being launched by Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Nur Zahirah yesterday.
Sunday October 5, 2008
‘We are from Malaysia’
By AZMAN SULAIMANAt a time when unity among Malaysians from various races and religions is being questioned, five friends just get on with it, together.
WHY don’t we do something extra special together this year?” Rodney wondered over his usual teh tarik during one of our regular after-squash supper sessions. “After all, we meet often enough each Wednesday for squash, why don’t we take up something else together?” For us “ five lifelong friends“ Wednesday evenings after work is the time for our usual weekly get-together at the Jalan Duta Squash Centre in Kuala Lumpur. Five Malaysians celebrate the 51st Merdeka atop Mt Kinabalu. We normally end by 8.30pm and then proceed to restaurants in nearby Taman Tun Dr Ismail, to catch up on everyday stuff as well as reminisce over the good old school days before calling it a night. We had been bouncing around ideas of picking up another hobby or two together. After all, we’ve kept in touch over the years mainly through squash and occasional old boys get-togethers.
What about scuba diving? Or even cycling? Whatever “it” was, it had to be something that would be physically challenging. After all, we considered ourselves pretty fit, thanks to our weekly quash sessions. Such a feat would have to be something that would boost the mid-life ego, too. We finally decided on going together on an expedition to scale Mount Kinabalu. To us, we are just fellow Malaysians who have been good friends for many years but, to the rest of society in this nation today, we’d have to elaborate that we comprise two Malays, an Indian, a Chinese and a Eurasian. We belong to the Johannians, Class of 1981. For the uninitiated, Johannians are the old boys of St John’s Institution Kuala Lumpur. The five of us, Rodney, Fitri, Andrew, Ronald and the writer completed our Form Five in 1981 before heading our separate ways in pursuit of education and careers.We kept in touch over the years and, like many others, find good reasons to meet up every now and then. Today, Rodney Michael is a leading voice talent in the entertainment industry who’s regularly heard over most Astro commercials and corporate advertisements. Mohamed Fitri Abdullah is vice president and head of Enterprise Business of Maxis Communications. Andrew Chan is an entrepreneur, having previously made his name with CSA Technologies. Ronald Pickering is regional head of CSR Australia, now based in Hong Kong, and the writer is the CEO of Mavtrac, a member of the UEM Group. All of us turned 44 this year, have growing families and lead reasonably comfortable lives. Nothing out of the ordinary, and much like many other middle-class professionals.
What’s possibly different is that, in today’s social landscape, we look different €“ two Malays, an Indian, a Chinese and a “lain-lain” (Eurasian) €“ hanging out together. We joke, we rib each other, and we share stories, laugh and argue, just as we always have. During our school days at St John’s during the late 70s and early 80s, we were among many other such mixed groups who grew up together into young men. Sadly, today, such colour-blind social interactions appear to be few and far between.Our greatest concern today is that our children are growing up in an environment which is continuing to harp on racial and religious differences, whereas we thought we had overcome that social concern last century. Most importantly, we have respect for each other. Yes, our table talk does sometimes extend to particular differences among our religion and race, but more from the viewpoint of common respect and appreciation of similarities that bring us together. We often enough do rib each other, jokingly making references to “macha”, Chinaman”, “Malay fella” and “lain-lain” but it’s all in jest and fun.
Now getting back to our Mt Kinabalu expedition, as expected, whilst the idea was tossed up among the many, when it came down to the organising, they left it to me to decide on travel arrangements. With ample lead time, we were able to pick an expedition date close to the 51st Merdeka celebrations. We couldn’t find a good enough excuse to tell our wives why we suddenly wanted to go climb a faraway mountain until we learned that 1964, the year we were born, was also the year that Sabah’s capital, Jesselton, was renamed Kota Kinabalu to commemorate Mt Kinabalu’s recognition as a World Heritage Site. Hence, the chosen name of our expedition, Jesselton 1964. In the three months leading up to our expedition, we spent many weekends in training, tackling nearby Lake Gardens, Kemensah Heights/Genting Ridge, Gunung Nuang and Genting Highlands. Fortunately we also had sound advice from experienced mountaineers; one to make special mention of is, Thomas Simon, on the preparations necessary for such an expedition. As the departure date approached, as a team, we also prudently purchased the appropriate equipment, from haversacks to walking poles to clothing, wet weather gear, always comparing prices to ensure we secured good value for money (or, in other words, as kedekut as possible!).
Come the date of travel, Ronald joined us from Hong Kong as we made our way out to Kota Kinabalu from Kuala Lumpur. We spent the first night at Kinabalu Park before commencing the climb through the Mesilau Gate at 9.30am the following morning. What was thought to be the more scenic and pleasurable route, turned out to be 3km longer and it took us nine hours to reach Laban Rata, long after dark. What made the trek more concerning was that I suffered severe cramps (sometimes termed “frozen muscle”) halfway up and, at one point, a decision was made to abort the climb at Layang-Layang. However, with perseverance, all of us made it safely to Laban Rata that night to put up at the Gunting Lagadan resthouse. It had been raining the few days before but, as our luck would have it, the dark skies were brightened with glittering stars the following morning of our final summit ascent. We made the remaining 2.5km trek under torchlight to the peak, starting at 5am. By 5.45am, the dawning sun had cast its early light on Low’s Peak as we enjoyed the majestic view from the top of Mt Kinabalu. A sense of common fulfilment and togetherness prevailed as we realised all the sacrifice and pain had been thoroughly worthwhile. We are also the beneficiaries of two certificates, one of which also recognises our ascent up Mt Kinabalu along the more challenging Mesilau Summit Trail.
Five Malaysians celebrate the 51st Merdeka atop Mt Kinabalu.
What we believe is most unique about this particular experience and the story that we wish to share is that, whilst there appears to be a current scrutiny of growing differences between the various ethnic groups and religions among Malaysians, unity still prevails. Our little band of friends is such an example. We recognise that our story is ironic not from the view point of the expedition itself, but from the viewpoint that we really are a bunch of old buddies, who happen to be of differing race origins, religion and professional interests, yet never take notice of such differences in our day to day interactions. We also trust that such commonalities are prevalent among the Malaysian community in general and will continue to be the uniqueness and strength of the majority of Malaysians in the generations to come. On a final note, as we descended down from Mt Kinabalu that day, we crossed paths with a young Japanese boy who was on his own, trekking up the mountain. After exchanging greetings, he noticed that we each looked different, and naturally in turn, asked the five of us where we were from. We replied, as one: “We are from Malaysia.”
KD Lekiu Escorting Our Vessels Home (NST PIX)
Thus I hereby quote the main role that our armed forces has played to secure the safe return of our MISC sailors from the same report, let no one then consider their roles as trivial nor redundant.
"The armed forces assisted the MISC in executing the release plan and protocol. This was to ensure that the crew members were released as there have been reports that crew members of other ships were not released after ransoms had been paid."The special and secret operation entailed the use of frigates and aircraft, and swift action to control and take over the tankers before they could be seized by other pirate groups," she said.
“This is the first time the armed forces were involved in a rescue operation in the open sea, 7,000km from home. It posed a logistic challenge to the armed forces for a lengthy duration and the need to execute a military operation other than war.“Bad weather and choppy waters had made the operation difficult with the naval ships not being able to berth for almost one month,” she said.
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