The elusive luscious tikam lompat
Daging Masak HItam Manis Maklang from http://ulampegaga.fotopages.com/(sukatan pepandai sendiri...main agak2 jer-jgn risau pasti
menjadinyee)1/2 kati daging btg pinang – dipotong dan direbus bersama kicap
(air rebusan jgn dibuang)1/2 cwn - kicap manis (cap kipas udang)
3 sudu besar cili kering yg telah diblend (ikut suka pedas, kalo nak pedas
BAHAN A – asingkan kepada 2 bhg. (untuk digaul bersama daging dan utk
3 sbJintan manis ]disangai lepas tu diblend halus
3 sb Jintan putih ]
3 Bwg putih }
4 Bwg merah }diblend
sedikit Halia }
Bunga lawang/kulit kayu manis/buah pelaga/asam keping
Minyak masak
1. Daging yang dipotong/dihiris nipis – direbus bersama kicap. (Air rebusan jgn byk sangat sbb daging keluarkan air rebusan)
2. Bila daging dah empuk, gaul sedikit dengan bhg. A, goreng kejap jer.
3. Asingkan daging ke dlm pinggan, masukkan pula lebihan bhn. A tadi utk ditumis.Masukkan cili kering (kalau suka pedas taruh lebih), kacau sebati.
4. Masukkan pula daging dan air rebusan tadi, gaul sampai rata.Taburkan asam keping,b.lwg,kkmanis dan buah pelaga.
5. Masukkan kicap jika nak nampak lebih hitam lagi (maklang selalunya tambah lagi kicap bior hitam pekat)
6. Biarkan mendidih sekejap dan kuah agak pekat, bulehlah diangkat
500gm daging lembu, dipotong dan direbus bersama 1/2 cawan kicap
Bahan2 digoreng tanpa minyak dan dikisar kering:
2 sudu besar jintan manis
2 sudu besar jintan putih
1 sudu besar biji ketumbar
1/2 sudu besar lada hitam
Bahan kisar basah:
3 Bwg putih
4 Bwg merah
1 inci halia
7 tangkai cili kering, direndam dulu
1 kuntum bunga lawang
2 inci kulit kayu manis
3 kuntum buah pelaga
Sekeping asam gelugur
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Minyak masak utk menumis
1. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar basah. Masukkan rempah-rempah.
2. Masukkan daging yg telah direbus empuk. Kacau hingga mesra.
3. Masukkan bahan2 kisar kering dan asam gelugur. Tambah kicap jika perlu.
4. Masak sehingga kuah agak pekat. Siap dan boleh dihidang.
The funny thing is that there seems to be another dish from Trengganu that seems to be very similar.
GULAI DAGING TGANU from http://www.melayu.com/v2/sembang2/mesej.php?thread=1851
Bahan500gm daging lembu [potong nipis kecil dan basuh &
2 s/b kerisik
2 cawan santan pekat
2 s/b gula merah/perang [brown sugar]
2 keping asam keping
Bahan Mesin20 tangkai cili kering
1 s/b rempah kari daging
2 s/b rempah mentah gulai cap ROSE
1 s/b rempah masak gulai cap ROSE
7 ulas bawang merah
1 labu bawang besar
3 ulas bawang putih
3 cm halia
2 cm lengkuas
Bahan tumis
2 cm kulit kayu manis
3 kuntum bunga cengkih2 kuntum bunga lawang
3 biji buah pelaga
1. Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan tumis sehingga
2. Masukkan bahan mesin dan masakkan sampai wangi dan naik
3. Masukkan daging dan kacau rata. Masukkan sikit air dan kacau rata
4. Bila nampak naik minyak masukkan santan, kerisek, garam dan gula merah.
5. Biarkan reneh sampai mendideh. kacau sekali sekala.
6. Bila mendideh masukkan asam keping dan biarkan sampai pekat.
7. Bila dah pekat, boleh hidangkan.
Monday September 17, 2007
fast on a lake
THE novelty of breaking fast against the backdrop of the majestic buildings of Putrajaya is not something everyone can offer. In this sense, Cruise Tasik Putrajaya (CTP) has the edge over others this Ramadan. Muslims intending to buka puasa with a difference can do so by embarking on a leisurely cruise on the Putrajaya Lake. CTP operates three dining boats with varying seating capacities to cater for small- and medium-sized groups, ranging from 20 to 55 people. The trio comprises the Daun, Sebarau and Kelah dining vessels.
Break fast while you cruise: Abdul Kadir holding up a
plate of Ikan Bakar on board the Kelah dining vessel.The Ramadan Cruise Buffet, a first for CTP, was launched on Thursday. The cruises operate between 7pm and 10pm. A press preview was held earlier to acquaint the media with the buffet menus available, depending on personal preference. Partnering CTP in the new venture are the Putrajaya Shangri-La, Putrajaya Seafood Restaurant and Putrajaya Lake Club. Each has its own Ramadan menu. For traditional Malay fare, the Putrajaya Shangri-La rises to the occasion. Malay chef Abdul Kadir Abdul Razak is set to woo diners with Kerabu Perut, Gulai Ikan Siakap Masak Tempoyak, Sup Tulang, Perchik Burung Puyuh and Sambal Sotong Sumbat.
Soup for the soul: Traditional Oxtail
Soup.(Writer's note : Man this is one overpriced oxtail)This Ramadan Buffet is priced from RM168 nett to RM228 nett and bookings must be made three days in advance. Seafood rules the menu from the Putrajaya Seafood Restaurant with tempting delights like Baked Tiger Prawn with Butter and Mayonnaise, Stir-fried Sotong Sambal and Preserved Vegetables with Beancurd Seafood Soup. The menu is packaged at RM140 nett. The Putrajaya Lake Club holds its own with a menu fusing local flavours with a Western touch. The array includes Roast Leg of Lamb, Fettucine Carbonara, Tandoori Ikan Tenggiri and Daging Masak Kicap, for RM130 nett.
Sit outside, you should get better service than we did
I must say that the food and drinks served there was par excellence, far surpassing our expectations. But it was our bad luck I guess to be seated in the private cum karaoke room for the breakfast meal because after the initial starters of mushroom soups and spaghetti for my kids were served, there was a long delay in the serving of the mains even though our waiter helpfully followed up on our order. What got my goat was when the guy who I assumed was the captain had the cheek to ask me what my order was when I went out of the room to check on the servings that I asked for the owner to come in and explain what is the hold-up. The owner's brother in law who came in instead further stoked my anger further by giving me a fairy tale story that my order is still in queue to be prepared when I asked him if they had lost my order. Come on man, it has been more than half an hour and you have served some of my order, and there is only about six tables occupied. So what queue are you talking about. I definitely lost my cool there and specifically asked for the owner to come and see me after this.
Great food man but your service sucks!
His bad luck then as I surely berated him for this shortcoming in service and told him yes his food is great but his service leaves a lot to be desired, though our attending waiter was good. I suspected that since his menu was small for the day as they could not hold their planned Ramadhan buffet, our orders were hijacked by the waiting tables outside before it reached our room as it seemed that there was no systematic method to identify which meal was for whom, as lo and behold after our complaint our meals were served within minutes. Anyway the owner passed over some complimentary fruits to pacify us and apologised profusely for the delay and assured us that in their Ramadhan buffet that will start today there will be no such delay. But this begs me the question that if there is no improvement in service, will the buffet line be replenished in a timely fashion as our buffet crowds are famous for being wont of being able to clear up the buffet stations in a dramatic fashion.
Alas the cooking is so good that I think I will still risk it by going for the buffet this weekend. I want another cup of the kopi kiasu! Anyway I got a 10 percent discount for making the fuss, so the moral of the story is make some noise if you are dissatisfied, as at least you can let off your displeasure and let the establishment take note of their shortcomings. I really hope this place get their act together, as a place with good food at good value is a rare find indeed, and I do not want to see bad service bringing them down. Good Luck!
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